Teaching Programme

Core Curriculum

Our core curriculum is organised to offer as many opportunities for communication as possible, aiming to develop students’ speaking and fluency, while interacting with students from other countries, through activities such as excursion-linked lessons, communication games and drama. Around this core curriculum, we adapt and shape the language work to the needs of learners at different levels. There are 3 pathways through our curriculum:

Pathway 1 – Engage

Aimed at young learners (7 – 11), this seeks to engage them with the fun of learning. The curriculum is based around the Trinity Stars programme, which builds confidence in young learners by focusing on performance.

Pathway 2 – Enrich

Younger teenagers around the A2 – B1 level have a working grasp of English, and our curriculum  aims to build on that and enrich their language competence by using English in exciting and relevant ways, through activities such as creative projects, functional English and presentations.

Pathway 3 – Empower

Older teenagers at B2 – C1 level have achieved a competence in language skills and need stretching. Our curriculum equips them with the higher skills required for future academic and professional challenges, through activities such as public speaking, critical thinking, leadership and team building.

Elac Lessons and Free choice for teachers

There is therefore a good balance between Elac pre-prepared lessons, and teacher free-choice lessons which give teachers some freedom to do activities which they feel suit the specific needs and interests of their students. The Elac lessons include the Pathway Curriculum plus the excursion-linked lessons which prepare students for the places they will visit and familiarising them with the local area. You can find some sample Elac lessons and support material here:

At Elac we firmly believe that our students will learn English best by following a carefully planned course of study that involves them in a varied programme which they will find both stimulating and enjoyable. To this end, our syllabus is more than just that. It contains help and advice on encouraging your learners to speak English, maintaining a positive learning atmosphere, information about the structure of our programmes – and the syllabus! It also has important sections on helping you to plan a balanced weekly programme. Whatever your level of experience with Elac, you’ll find it helpful. You can download our Syllabus here.